Pictures added 24 October.
The cabin had two beds as well as two bunks. We both slept well but had to get up early for disembarkation at 0700. Luciano was one of the first off the boat and had found a taxi by the time we arrived.
Livorno at 0730 on a Sunday morning in October is not a pretty sight and the station seemed a long way from the port. A cappuccino helped and the 0843 to Genova left just a couple of minutes down. Graffitti is endemic in Italy.
Newly painted side rod switcher moving passenger cars at Livorno. |
The journey was uneventful. There was a break for a slice of pizza at Genova Brignole and the train to Torino got us there on time. The car was overheated. Luciano tells me that the areas where the ballast, rails and ties have been whitewashed are to counter terrorism - one can easily see where the ballast has been disturbed.
Our train ready to depart for Torino at Genova Brignole |
We were both pretty tired and spent a couple of hours in the room. The walk around the central area was very pleasant - streets with wide colonnades and large squares. In one location people were crowded around a group of musicians singing traditional songs. A lady was passing out song sheets, very similar to the Rue de Mouffetarde in Paris on a Saturday morning. There were several men roasting chestnuts.
We had an early dinner at the Infernot - gnocci were very light indeed and the veal and beef were all good. Half a bottle of Chianti Classico helped it all go down.
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